Aalayam: think of our work as a gallery of wearable art. Our canvases are traditional weaves from across India and our media are some of the most exquisite craft forms used to embellish fabrics.

Each of Aalayam’s products tells a story of India: of our flora and fauna, our architecture, and our traditions of art and textile. On our products, you will see the elephants of the Western Ghats, the spotted deer of Telangana, the chinar leaf of Kashmir, the temples of southern India, the mangoes of Uttar Pradesh, our national bird the peacock, and many more motifs inspired by our country’s vast history, culture, and ecosystem.

A lot of love, care, and time — up to a year — goes into each product we make. We believe that investing in slow fashion is the most ethical, sustainable, and thoughtful approach to consumption. We understand slow fashion as an approach defined by an awareness on the part of designers, retailers, and consumers on the impacts of consumption on workers, communities, and the environment.

At the centre of our brand is the people who produce our products: our weavers, karigars, painters, and craftspeople.

We work directly with artisans, guided by their creative instincts and expertise in our efforts to sustain the traditions which their communities have passed down over generations. The small-scale production processes which have sustained these traditions are crucial to the livelihoods of rural communities, and must be protected from the forces of mechanised production. We see our work as doing a small part in this regard, ensuring that our traditional crafts and craftspeople are valued and protected.

Our business model is structured around a partnership that shows respect for the labour of our artisans, guaranteeing them fair, secure wages and good working conditions. We are not motivated by profit, and any surpluses are either shared with our artisan partners, or put into creating work for more communities.

Our brand operates with sustainability and climate consciousness in mind.

Each of our products is a modern heirloom — our designs are contemporary, yet timeless, and our fabrics are durable and long-lasting. These are pieces that will last for generations, and will never go out of style. We use only natural fibres such as linen, cotton, and silk; handloomed without the use of energy-guzzling machinery; and dyed with natural or eco-friendly dyes. Our products are kind to your skin, and to our planet.

Our packaging is 95% plastic-free, and we transport our products in batches, further reducing the low carbon footprint of our locally sourced materials.

We believe that our approach allows for the forging of a deep and meaningful connection between designer and artisan, artisan and product, and most importantly, between the product and you — the consumer.

aalayam | ആലയം

[ālayəm] noun

Malayalam: home or dwelling place.

Our Aalayam is but a temporary dwelling for exquisitely handcrafted, one-of-a-kind pieces; till they find their forever home with you.